Showing posts with label pedophile priests. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pedophile priests. Show all posts

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Evils of religion Part 8: The scam that became Mormonism

There is no perfect church. While I believe in the Christianity Jesus started, even a religion that has hewed as closely as possible to Christ’s teachings will be populated by imperfect people. Every religion has embarrassments both in their past and their present. How can a reasonable person decide which of these embarrassments is forgivable, and which is a deal breaker?

Evils of religion part 5: Catholicism's worst atrocities

Pope Francis has admitted that 1 of every 50 priests is a pedophile. Let that sink in for a minute... Likely, the true number is far higher. 
Of course, the truly hideous thing is not simply the existence of pedophiles in an organization that claims to be God’s guiding light to humanity; nor the hypocrisy of the supposedly holy men engaging is such disgusting practices. 
The most disgusting aspect of the story is the Church’s self-serving game of hide-the-pederast, moving priests who were about to become an embarrassment to another part of the world. It has been suggested that Pope Benedict, before he became pope, was one of the organizers of that game, and that exposure of it was partly what led him to resign.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Catholics return fire in abuse scandal

In my previous column I naively asked, in light of all the pedophile scandals, why Catholics remain Catholics. The answers I got from Catholics really put me in my place.

My city in Arizona is more a Mormon town than a Catholic one. Still, there is enough of a presence here for them to make their feelings known, and they did. I had no business, I was told, assuming that people would turn their backs on a set of beliefs due to the behavior of some individuals within their church. There have been scandals in all religions. Never should we expect or encourage a person to turn their back on God because of the actions of an individual, or even a group of individuals.
All True. 

Abuse charges mount against the Catholic Church

If you’re a Catholic, I’m telling you right now you are not going to like this article. I apologize in advance. 
But, if you are a Catholic, I have to ask: Why?