Showing posts with label king david. Show all posts
Showing posts with label king david. Show all posts

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Archaeologists find, argue about, evidence supporting The Bible

A story in Discovery News is reporting that an inscription on a 3,000 year old piece of pottery may be an early form of Hebrew.

If you're a Bible reader, that probably doesn't sound like news to you. However, "biblical" archaeologists - who mostly are anything but - generally go out of their way to prove they aren't being 'influenced' by their religious beliefs. It's sort of like a college science professor who sees the huge holes in evolution. If he mentions the holes, he must be a religious fanatic, not a "Serious Scientist". Or a medical doctor ignoring natural cures to make sure no one thinks he's a quack. 
So instead of showing how this or that find fits with the Bible, they often are more interested in showing how their findings disprove the Bible.