Showing posts with label healthcare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthcare. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Is birth control a sin? Part 2

What started as a seemingly small controversy – the government requiring employers to provide healthcare coverage for employees that includes contraception – has turned into a major can of worms.
Turns out it’s not simply about the Catholic Church and birth control. It has become a discussion about an employer’s conscience versus the government’s demands.
We’ll save that for the next column. For now, let’s take a closer look at the Catholic Church’s stand on birth control.

Is birth control a sin? Part 1

With the advent of Obamacare, some employers objected to having to pay for birth control. My first reaction was, What a silly thing to be arguing about; a tempest in a teapot. I'm not going to let it distract me from the theme of my previous articles: churches following - or failing to follow - the Bible.
But as time passed, and it blew up into more tempest and less teapot, I've had to revise my view.