Showing posts with label demons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label demons. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Hate what God hates: Demons and Vampires

At the Flood, sinful angels abandoned their earthly families
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In our previous column we spoke of a certain school of thought among vampire devotees that holds that vampirism dates back to a pre-flood biblical account.

The demonic origin of Vampires

Bela Lagosi as Dracula
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The Vampire Diaries. True Blood. Twilight. Vampire Wars on Facebook. What is going on? Why all this fascination with vampires?

Every generation of teens wants to believe they have the latest, coolest thing. It’s particularly titillating if their parents don’t know about it, or better yet, know about it and disapprove. When my parents were teens, it was jive and jazz. When I was a teen, it was rock, hippies, and drugs. Now it seems to be vampires.

So here comes a rant by another over-the-hill, out of touch oldster who’s going to tell teens that what they are getting involved in is going to rot their brain, or worse, right?
Well… yeah.