Showing posts with label biblical chronology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label biblical chronology. Show all posts

Thursday, July 7, 2016

About Time, Part Two: Bible history versus secular history

A hundred years ago, the Bible was viewed by most scholars as authoritative history – even by people who were skeptical of its spiritual merits. That view has changed. 
As we noted in the previous column, any archaeologist or other scholar who says anything positive about the Bible is immediately branded an unsophisticated religious nut.
Should that be the case? How does the historical record in the Bible stack up against other histories? What exactly are these other historical records that scholars rely on?

About Time: Chronology and Bible skeptics

We've been looking at the argument for re-dating a biblical event. Timothy Mahoney, the filmmaker behind Patterns of Evidence – Exodus, made a strong case that the main reason so many biblical scholars are skeptical about the Exodus is their understanding of the timing.