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Showing posts with label amino acids. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Atheists preach fiction with zeal


The American Atheist national convention promised, once things settled down from the pandemic, to again hold an annual convention in April 2023, this time right here in Phoenix. It was timed to compete with Easter. Tickets were $249 for adults but a mere $49 for students. They really want to make it easy for the kids, don't they? I assume someone showed up, but I can find no reports on Google of anyone actually doing so. 

It was promised to be a... who are we kidding? Atheists don't promise anything. Who needs promises! Surely they don't want promises. By definition they believe there is absolutely nothing beyond this moment right here. 
If Atheists are right and their is no god, How did we get here?

Several years ago,  their keynote speaker was activist atheist Richard Dawkins. Here's evidence of what an advanced thinker he is: