If you are a Bible believer, like me, you no doubt have
found many comforting passages, and many easy-to-understand life principles.
But the bible also contains some things that, as Peter admitted, are “hard to
understand.” (2 Peter 3:16) And Peter warned that these things would get
Over the years, I’ve heard some whoppers:
- The pope is the antichrist
- Martin Luther was the antichrist
- Trump is the antichrist
- The whore of Babylon in Revelation means New York City
- The whore of Babylon is Las Vegas
- The whore of Babylon is the Vatican
- The ‘Mark of the Beast’ will be getting a chip implanted in your hand
- The ‘Mark of the Beast’ is a vaccine
Clearly these can’t all be right. Perhaps none of them are.
But if there isn’t a sure way to know,
then what use is the Bible? People claiming the Bible says these things makes the Bible a joke.
There is a way to tell.
Not surprisingly, Jesus own words provide a formula: In his prophecy
about the destruction of Jerusalem, he warned his Jewish followers: "When
you have seen (to use the language of the Prophet Daniel) the `Abomination of
Desolation', standing in the Holy Place --let the reader observe those words—then
let those in Judea flee to the mountains.” (Mt 24:15)
His apostles had no idea
what he meant by “the abomination of Desolation”. But they were familiar with
the prophecy of Daniel; and Jesus’ counsel was for them to carefully observe Daniel’s
words. What words?
Daniel had indeed used similar words. Daniel 9:26
prophesied that “Messiah will be cut off.” Although the apostles hadn’t gotten
their head around that idea when Jesus said the above words to them, a few days later, he
was “cut off,” executed. No doubt his apostles re-read Daniel 9 very closely after that.
Just a couple sentences after describing the cutting off of the Messiah, Daniel
said that “on the wing of disgusting things there will be the one causing
desolation; until an extermination...” (Daniel 9:27)
By itself, that sentence didn’t enlighten those new
Christians very much. But Jesus told them to study Daniel. He didn’t specify which part. Another prophecy in Daniel
gave them another clue: “How long will the vision of the constant
feature and of the transgression causing desolation continue, to
make both the holy place and the army things to trample on?” (Daniel 8:13)
Those Jewish Christians would
have easily figured out that the ‘constant feature’ referred to daily
sacrifices on the altar in the temple in Jerusalem. “This is what you will
offer on the altar: two one-year-old rams each day, continually. Offer the one young ram in the morning and the other
ram at twilight... It is to be a regular
burnt offering throughout your generations.” (Exodus 29:38-42) And the “holy
place” had to refer to the temple itself, real estate that was then and still
is considered by the Jews to be ‘holy ground’.
So Jesus prophecy told
them to watch for something that the Jews considered “disgusting” to begin to ‘trample
on’ the temple and put an end to the daily, constant sacrifices there.
Thirty-three years went
by. The Jews got more rebellious against Rome until, finally, Rome sent an
army, complete with portable “idols” in the form of the Legionnaires’ standards
– basically, a flagpole topped with a pennant and a gold-plated symbol (such as
a lion, wolf, sun, snake, medusa, etc.) that represented each legion. Each soldier literally worshiped his legion's standard, and pledged to give his life for it. They
brought these idols right up to the gates of the temple, and they even began
tunneling under the wall so that their idols, disgusting things to Jews, were
literally standing on holy ground.
That was the sign Jesus
had given his followers. It was unclear before it happened. But once it
happened it was obvious.
From this example, we
learn two vital tools to determining what some of the “hard to understand”
things in the Bible mean:
- Use the Bible to explain the Bible.
- Prophetic passages may not make sense until the events prophesied are happening.
With this foundation,
then, let’s take a look at some of the things we mentioned at the outset: The
antichrist; Babylon the Great (also called ‘the whore of Babylon’); the
Mark of the Beast, and other hard-to-understand things. We’ll go there in the rest of this series.
Feel free to leave a comment.
Bill K. Underwood is the
author of several books, all available on Amazon.com. You can help support this site by purchasing one of his books.
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